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Menopause, a woman’s final menstrual period, is the marker of the beginning of the second half of her adult life. It is very important for women to be as healthy and active as possible to live into old age.
Most women reach menopause between the expected ages of 48 to 53 years; however, for some women, menopause may be unexpected (premature or early menopause) or a consequence of cancer treatment or surgery with removal of the ovaries.
Menopausal symptoms occur in about 75% of women, with 20% enduring symptoms that reduce their quality of life and ability to function normally. For many women, symptoms may start in the perimenopause, a time of vulnerability, with mood symptoms, including depression and tiredness; reduced coping capacity; menstrual problems; and coinciding with family and life stresses. In most women, vasomotor symptoms settle with time but the genitourinary symptoms may continue lifelong.
Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is the mainstay of menopause symptom treatment and is prescribed for as long as is needed, with regular monitoring of duration and dosage. Nonhormonal therapies are available for those women in whom MHT is contraindicated.
This Menopausal health collection brings together all these aspects of management of the woman around menopause, to enable her to be fit, healthy and functioning at a capacity she would wish to.
Dr Elizabeth Farrell AM
Gynaecologist and Medical Director of Jean Hailes for Women's Health
Menopausal hormone therapy. Tips and pitfalls
Menopausal hormone therapy is the most effective treatment for bothersome menopausal symptoms experienced by many women at midlife, with few risks and compelling evidence for short- and long-term physical and psychological health benefits.
Depression: a major challenge of the menopause transition
The onset of menopause can trigger symptoms of depression in women, including recurrent and new-onset depression. Early recognition of mental health issues related to the menopause and initiation of biologically tailored treatment, alongside psychosocial therapy, are essential to effective management.
A tailored approach to managing menopause
A tailored approach to managing menopause, including symptom complex, history and the woman’s own preferences, is important to meeting individual needs.
Premature ovarian insufficiency. Not ‘too young for menopause’
Premature ovarian insufficiency (loss of ovarian activity before the age of 40 years) has negative health impacts. Affected women require multimodal assessment and management.
Vulvovaginal symptoms after menopause
Vulvovaginal atrophy causes significant morbidity in women as they age. The primary care physician is in a unique position to use a consultation to discuss a woman's symptoms with her and to explain the treatment options.
Menopause management after breast cancer
Management of menopause in breast cancer survivors is complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach for the successful management of menopausal symptoms and prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
Postmenopausal osteoporosis. Is there a role for hormone therapy?
There is increasing recognition that menopausal hormone therapy has a place in the health management of postmenopausal women, including for fracture prevention.