Peer Reviewed

The 2003 Medicine Today survey results

Medicine Today would like to thank everyone who participated in our 2003 reader survey. We received over 1500 responses and these will help us to tailor the Journal even more accurately to meet your needs and interests, while we endeavour to be, as one GP wrote, your ‘most important learning tool’.
Key Points
    What do we do with your comments?

    We read and save all of your comments, looking for both positive and negative feedback. We look at how you grade the various articles and sections and then we work to adjust the content accordingly. For those of you who suggested topics, keep an eye out in upcoming issues of Medicine Today where you will find that many articles have been commissioned specifically at your suggestion.

    In summary: the survey

    During the survey period, you had the opportunity to grade the content of the April, May and June issues of Medicine Today. Most of the feedback we received was very positive. Some of the main results are summarised in this article.

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