Peer reviewed Feature Articles
Heart failure and cardiomyopathy

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: how can you mend a broken heart?

Michael Hii, Wai Ping Alicia Chan

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome, occurs more commonly than recognised, with symptoms mimicking those of acute coronary syndrome and heart failure. GPs play an important role in assessing the initial presentation, referring patients to a cardiologist for further investigation and providing post-recovery supportive care.

June 2024
Peer reviewed Feature Articles

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A polycyclic scaly eruption on the trunk and shoulders

A 36-year-old man presents with annular plaques on his trunk and shoulders.

An elderly man with an intensely itchy skin eruption

An 89-year-old man presents with an erythematous, papular eruption.

A woman with a painful groin rash

 A 67-year-old woman presents with a bilateral groin rash.

Written and narrated by Professor Kim Oates for the Clinical Excellence Commission
Brief Bites are a series of short videos that can be used to enhance clinical care and patient safety. Being brief, they can be used in many situations including clinical team meetings or in education sessions.

Brief bites
For better care

Written and narrated by
Professor Kim Oates for the
Clinical Excellence Commission
Brief Bites are a series of short videos that can be used to enhance clinical care and patient safety. Being brief, they can be used in many situations including clinical team meetings or in education sessions.