Foreword: The ABCss of diabetes care
PAT PHILLIPSType 2 diabetes: not just a touch of sugar
PAT PHILLIPSType 2 diabetes is better considered a syndrome than simply a biochemical diagnosis.
ABCss: A is for A1c
PAT PHILLIPSGood glycaemic control (A1c levels on target) prevents or delays the onset of complications in type 2 diabetes.
ABCss: B is for blood pressure
PAT PHILLIPSControlling hypertension reduces the risk of micro- and macrovascular complications of type 2 diabetes.
ABCss: C is for cholesterol
PAT PHILLIPSLowering cholesterol levels by lifestyle changes and medications reduces cardiovascular risk.
ABCss: s is for smoking
JOHN LITT, PAT PHILLIPSQuitting smoking helps reduce cardiovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes.
ABCss: s is for salicylates
PAT PHILLIPS, JODY BRADDONThe cardiovascular protection provided by daily low dose aspirin is important in patients with type 2 diabetes.
The WXYZ of cardiodiab risk
PAT PHILLIPSA mnemonic approach to cardiodiab (cardiovascular and diabetes) risk factors is considered.
Focus on Avandamet
PAT PHILLIPS, ANDREW LOWYAdherence may be improved by the use of this combined preparation of rosiglitazone and metformin.