Peer Reviewed

Foreword from the Supplement Editor, Topics in COPD

Professor Christine McDonald AM MB BS(Hons), PhD, FRACP, FThorSoc

Topics in COPD 

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a prevalent condition that significantly impacts individuals, families and healthcare systems globally. This disease causes daily symptoms and is often linked with exacerbations or flare-ups, making it a leading cause of preventable hospitalisations and mortality. Addressing COPD requires our collective focus and concerted efforts to ensure accurate and timely diagnosis, as well as improved prevention and management strategies.

In this supplement, titled Topics in COPD, our expert and multidisciplinary contributors share insights from the latest research and their clinical practice to provide the necessary knowledge and tools for effective COPD management. Highlights include recommendations regarding the crucial role of spirometry and clinical assessment in achieving a diagnosis; how to select an appropriate inhaler device; a discussion of the issues around adherence to medications, and lack thereof; an update on the latest developments in COPD management; strategies for preventing and managing exacerbations and the importance of comorbidities; and a discussion about how best to manage intractable breathlessness in late-stage disease.