Peer Reviewed
Feature Article Respiratory medicine

Difficult to control asthma in children

Andrew Tai, John Massie

Asthma is one of the most common paediatric presentations to general practice. Some children demonsrate persistent symptoms despite appropriate use of medications. This review provides a user-friendly approach to managing difficult to control asthma in children.

Key Points
    • Difficult to control asthma carries significant morbidity to children and their families.
    • It is important to ensure that the diagnosis of asthma is correct.
    • Patients’ medications, drug delivery method, adherence to treatment, home environment and psychosocial factors should be assessed. Precipitating factors, particularly exposure to tobacco smoke, should be minimised.
    • Inhaled corticosteroids are the cornerstone of therapy. The dose should be titrated to control symptoms, maximise efficacy and minimise adverse effects.
    • GP’s should regularly review patients and establish a partnership of care.
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