Feature Article Dermatology Checking pigmented skin lesions Bruce Tate MedicineToday March 2007 2007; 8(3): 38-45
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A concerned woman with a concealed mole Hugh Roberts, Alex J Chamberlain MedicineToday February 2007 2007; 8(2): 73
Feature Article Dermatology Pruritus: an approach to diagnosis and management Ian D Hamann MedicineToday December 2006 2006; 7(12): 45-52
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Vitiligo in a young woman Bruce Tate MedicineToday December 2006 2006; 7(12): 71-74
Feature Article Dermatology Nonmelanoma skin cancer: update on management Robert Rosen MedicineToday October 2006 2006; 7(10): 25-37
Feature Article Dermatology Psoriasis in children Gayle Fischer MedicineToday September 2006 2006; 7(9): 46-53
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A smudge on the sole – safe or sinister? Alex J Chamberlain MedicineToday September 2006 2006; 7(9): 65-66
Feature Article Occupational health Occupational contact dermatitis: suspect it, treat it, and refer if persistent Rosemary L Nixon, Mignon Moyle MedicineToday August 2006 2006; 7(8): 24-33
Clinical Flowchart Geriatrics Investigating the patient with a leg ulcer Jeff Rowland, David Veselic MedicineToday August 2006 2006; 7(8): 50-55
Patient Handout Occupational health Occupational contact dermatitis: looking after your hands Rosemary L Nixon, Mignon Moyle MedicineToday August 2006 2006; 7(8): 34
Feature Article Geriatrics Assessing leg ulcers Jeff Rowland, David Veselic MedicineToday August 2006 2006; 7(8): 50-55
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Recurrent furunculosis and superficial folliculitis Bruce Tate MedicineToday July 2006 2006; 7(7): 71-74
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A black mark on a bowler’s forearm Alex J Chamberlain MedicineToday June 2006 2006; 7(6): 69
Feature Article Dermatology Melanoma: clinical features and early diagnostic techniques Hugh Roberts, Martin I Haskett, John W Kelly MedicineToday May 2006 2006; 7(5): 39-47
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A brown blemish on a bronzed bricklayer Alex J Chamberlain MedicineToday March 2006 2006; 7(3): 51-52
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Recurrent rash in a young woman Bruce Tate MedicineToday February 2006 2006; 7(2): 68-69
Feature Article Dermatology Photodynamic therapy for skin cancers Vernon Sc Pua, Ross Stc Barnetson MedicineToday February 2006 2006; 7(2): 37-40
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Asymptomatic plaques and papules on the hands, wrists and forearms Bruce Tate MedicineToday December 2005 2005; 6(12): 55-57
Regular Series Practical procedures Cutaneous cyst excision: a practical guide Tasman Lipscombe MedicineToday November 2005 2005; 6(11): 57-59
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A crusty crimson plaque Alex J Chamberlain MedicineToday November 2005 2005; 6(11): 68-69
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Allergic contact dermatitis to paraphenylenediamine Bruce Tate MedicineToday October 2005 2005; 6(10): 49-51
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A freckle on the foot Nathan Curr, Alex J Chamberlain MedicineToday September 2005 2005; 6(9): 63
Regular Series Clinical case review A 33-year-old woman with sore red lips Susi Freeman MedicineToday August 2005 2005; 6(8): 81
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Eruptive xanthomas Bruce Tate MedicineToday August 2005 2005; 6(8): 73-74
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A solitary pigmented nodule on the thigh Hugh Roberts, Alex J Chamberlain MedicineToday July 2005 2005; 6(7): 89