Regular Series Dermatology clinic Reticulate pigmentation of axillae Steven Kossard MedicineToday March 2004 2004; 5(3): 57
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A mottled blue–grey lesion Steven Kossard MedicineToday February 2004 2004; 5(2): 63
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Generalised itching with wrist lesions Steven Kossard MedicineToday January 2004 2004; 5(1): 55
Feature Article Cardiovascular medicine Investigation and management of xanthoma Leon A Simons MedicineToday January 2004 2004; 5(1): 48-51
Regular Series Clinical case review An uncontrollable cutaneous herpes simplex infection David W Smith MedicineToday December 2003 2003; 4(12): 66-67
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy An irregular pigmented lesion on the back Steven Kossard MedicineToday December 2003 2003; 4(12): 65
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Muscular weakness with knuckle erythema Steven Kossard MedicineToday November 2003 2003; 4(11): 55
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A dusky red papule Steven Kossard MedicineToday October 2003 2003; 4(10): 75
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Pearly papules on the thighs Steven Kossard MedicineToday September 2003 2003; 4(9): 67
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A pale papule with a pigmented ring Steven Kossard MedicineToday August 2003 2003; 4(8): 67
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A pigmented lesion on the sole Steven Kossard MedicineToday July 2003 2003; 4(7): 87
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Pigmented rash localised to the groins Steven Kossard MedicineToday July 2003 2003; 4(7): 89
Feature Article Women’s health Late onset and postadolescent acne in women Keng Chen, Jo-Ann See MedicineToday July 2003 2003; 4(7): 49-55
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy An asymmetrical mole with a blue–black centre Steven Kossard MedicineToday June 2003 2003; 4(6): 85
Feature Article Dermatology Lasers in dermatology Greg J Goodman MedicineToday June 2003 2003; 4(6): 65-77
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Tufted hairs wrapped in asbestos-like scale Steven Kossard MedicineToday June 2003 2003; 4(6): 87
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Acral blisters with arthritis Steven Kossard MedicineToday May 2003 2003; 4(5): 95
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy Twin lesions with stippled pigment Steven Kossard MedicineToday May 2003 2003; 4(5): 93
Feature Article Dermatology Common causes and management of photosensitivity Lee Mei Yap, Peter Foley, Christopher Baker MedicineToday May 2003 2003; 4(5): 30-39
Feature Article Infectious diseases Nail disease: Is it fungal? If so, what should I do? Orli Wargon MedicineToday April 2003 2003; 4(4): 42-47
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy An irregularly pigmented lesion on the chest Steven Kossard MedicineToday April 2003 2003; 4(4): 85
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Tense blisters with IgA deposits Steven Kossard MedicineToday April 2003 2003; 4(4): 83
Regular Series Dermatology clinic Itchy blisters on exposed skin Steven Kossard MedicineToday March 2003 2003; 4(3): 93
Regular Series Perspectives on dermoscopy A recent pale nodule with pseudocysts Steven Kossard MedicineToday March 2003 2003; 4(3): 91
Feature Article Pharmacology and therapeutics Investigating patients with a vasculitic rash D Heyworth-smith, John Quin MedicineToday March 2003 2003; 4(3): 63-67