Peer Reviewed
Drug update

Pramipexole for Parkinson’s disease

Kaitlyn L Parratt, Mariese Hely, Victor Sc Fung
Pramipexole (Sifrol) is a highly potent dopaminergic drug that is useful for the treatment of both early and mid-to-late stage Parkinson’s disease.
Key Points
    What is pramipexole?

    Pramipexole (Sifrol) is a nonergoline dopamine agonist that was PBS listed (restricted benefit) on 1 June 2008 as adjunctive treatment for patients with Parkinson’s disease who are treated with levodopa–decarboxylase inhibitor combinations. Pramipexole has Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approval for use as monotherapy and adjunctive therapy with levodopa for Parkinson’s disease. Pramipexole is also TGA approved for the symptomatic treatment of restless legs syndrome.

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