Peer Reviewed
Ophthalmology clinic

Blepharitis: an approach to management

Derek Chan, Ian C Francis
Blepharitis leads to ocular surface discomfort and inflamed eyelids. Active management comprising a structured cleaning regimen controls up to 100% of cases. Occasionally, systemic tetracyclines are required.
Key Points
    Case presentation
    History and examination

    A 48-year-old woman presented with a four-year history of irritation and redness in both eyes. She had tried nearly every artificial tear preparation listed in MIMS. Topical steroids had been used occasionally but had not proved beneficial, nor had mast cell inhibitors or antihistamines. She was carrying a large plastic bag containing her many bottles of eyedrops, and as she sat down in the consulting room she proceeded to line them up on the desk. She was sceptical that we could help her.