Peer Reviewed Feature Articles

Sudden leg weakness. Where is the problem? What is the cause?

Wai-Kuen Leong, Robert H. Edis

Weakness of the legs with sudden onset poses significant concern to the patient and their attending GP, requiring a methodical approach to diagnosis. Urgent investigation and management of red-flag features is essential.

Complete 1.5 CPD hours
Free Access
Free access

Intestinal failure – improving long-term survival

Callum Pearce

Intestinal failure (IF) is characterised by the inability to maintain nutritional or hydration status via digestive absorption. Patients with chronic IF require parenteral support with either intravenous fluid or parenteral nutrition to maintain life. Management of patients in specialist IF units with expertise in treating this condition can vastly improve the quality and longevity of life.

Peer Reviewed Regular Series
Infectious diseases clinic

The dawning of a new era in RSV prevention


Preventives for respiratory syncytial virus are in various stages of development, and will soon be available in the form of monoclonal antibodies and vaccines. This notable achievement will prevent significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in infants and older persons.

Dermatology clinic

A returned traveller with a tattoo rash

Belinda Lai, Stephen Schumack, Sanjay Swaminathan

A 22-year-old man presents with a rash following application of a temporary tattoo. What is the diagnosis?

Physician-authored summaries and commentary on the most important medical research, provided by the NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

© Massachusetts Medical Society