Peer Reviewed Feature Articles
Infectious diseases

Pyrexia of unknown origin: a paradigm for investigation

Samuel W.L. Baumgart, Sai Rupa Baskar, Rohan W. Beresford

Pyrexia of unknown origin often presents a conundrum to the modern-day clinician. Judicious history and examination, and considering the most likely diagnosis first, are key to investigation.

Complete 1.5 CPD hours

Headache: investigating the cause

Richard Stark

Headache is a common presenting complaint in general practice. This article provides a refresher on differential diagnosis and an approach to investigation.

Complete 1.5 CPD hours
Free Access
Free access
Peer Reviewed Regular Series
Sexual health clinic

Syphilis: if you don’t look for it, you’ll miss it

Melissa Lam, Phillip Read

The increasing syphilis notification rates, particularly among women of reproductive age, raise significant concerns because of the heightened risk of congenital syphilis. Syphilis management must focus on antenatal, maternal and infant care, as well as prevention.

Focus on COVID-19

Managing COVID-19 in children

Joel Vosu, Philip N. Britton

Most children with SARS-CoV-2 infection will have mild or no symptoms that can be managed at home. In children with risk factors for severe disease, GPs play a crucial role in monitoring and providing additional support. Vaccination remains the best method of preventing severe disease.

Cosmetic dermatology

Cosmetic sclerotherapy for leg and other veins

Mark Elvy, David Jenkins, Adrian Lim

Sclerotherapy can be used to reduce vein prominence in the legs, hands, chest and face. Side effects are common but usually transient.

Dermatology clinic

A nonhealing ulcer on the hand: a sweet case

Lachlan Dat Wah Lau, Anneliese Willems, Laura Scardamaglia

A 55-year-old woman presents with an ulcerated nodule on her finger after a minor laceration two months earlier. Referral to a dermatologist is encouraged for a patient with a nonhealing ulcer.

Physician-authored summaries and commentary on the most important medical research, provided by the NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

© Massachusetts Medical Society