Peer Reviewed Feature Articles

Crohn’s disease: an overview and update on medical and dietary therapies

Alexander T. Elford, Britt Christensen

Crohn’s disease can cause significant morbidity, including nutritional deficiencies, fatigue and the development of strictures, fistulas and abscesses. A wide range of therapies exist for use in clinical practice, which aim to alter the natural course of the disease and improve quality of life for affected patients.

Complete 1.5 CPD hours

A new dawn for polymyalgia rheumatica: from diagnosis to emerging treatments

Georgia K. Harris, Claire E Owen

There has been little change in diagnostic and management approaches for polymyalgia rheumatica since the 1950s. With the advent of diagnostic imaging techniques and recent FDA approval of the first biologic agent for relapsing disease in the US, modern medicine may soon become a reality for patients with this condition.

Complete 1.5 CPD hours
Reproductive endocrinology

Management of polycystic ovary syndrome: the role of primary care

Jacqueline Boyle, Carolyn Ee

The 2023 international guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome introduces several key changes. The updates emphasise holistic patient care to address the associated cardiometabolic risks and complications and psychosocial challenges.

Free Access
Free access
Peer Reviewed Regular Series
Drug update

Rimegepant – a new oral migraine medication

Shuli Cheng, Jason C. Ray, Tamsin Hilliard, Richard J. Stark

Rimegepant, the first in a new class of gepants, is now available for acute and prophylactic migraine treatment in adults.

Therapeutics clinic

Diabetic kidney disease: a new era in therapeutic management

Peter Kolovos, Carol Pollock

New therapies are emerging to reduce the adverse cardiovascular outcomes and progression of chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes. All patients with diabetes should be screened for diabetic kidney disease and, where possible, considered candidates for therapy.

Dermatology clinic

A woman with a pruritic perianal plaque

Marlene Wijaya, Anupam Chaudhuri, Rebecca Bronwyn Saunderson

A woman aged 69 years presents with a perianal plaque of five months’ duration. What is the cause?

Physician-authored summaries and commentary on the most important medical research, provided by the NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

© Massachusetts Medical Society