Peer Reviewed Feature Articles

Depression: recognising the signs in older people and in dementia

Stephen Macfarlane

Depression can present differently in older people, making diagnosis challenging, particularly in the presence of dementia. A cognitive diagnosis should be considered in an older person presenting with a change in mood with no obvious precipitant. Treatment is similar to that for any patient, with medication selection based on the patient’s symptoms and drug effects.

Heart failure and cardiomyopathy

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: how can you mend a broken heart?

Michael Hii, Wai Ping Alicia Chan

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome, occurs more commonly than recognised, with symptoms mimicking those of acute coronary syndrome and heart failure. GPs play an important role in assessing the initial presentation, referring patients to a cardiologist for further investigation and providing post-recovery supportive care.

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Free access
Rehabilitation medicine

Swollen legs: a diagnostic and management update

Stephanie Lam, Helen Mackie, Debbie Geyer

There are a multitude of causes of swollen legs and a comprehensive assessment can help clinicians differentiate between them. In addition to the treatment of any underlying condition, the management principles of lymphoedema can be applied to reduce symptoms and complications.

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Peer Reviewed Regular Series
Dermatology clinic

A woman with a painful groin rash

Sarah R. Adamson, Alvin H. Chong

Test your diagnostic skills in our regular dermatology quiz. What is the cause of this bilateral rash?

Immunisation update

Herpes zoster vaccination: an update

Anthony L. Cunningham AO

Herpes zoster vaccination is recommended for older people and those who are immunocompromised. The recombinant zoster vaccine is funded on the National Immunisation Program for these cohorts.

Physician-authored summaries and commentary on the most important medical research, provided by the NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

© Massachusetts Medical Society